Welcome to MH creative, a place where cosplay, consulting, and creativity get combined into one service, provided by one person! Spoiler alert, that one person is me, Mike!

I am a geek, model, Cosplayer, and social media personality with an addiction to comics, cosplay, and all things creative and nerdy! I’m not very good at talking g about myself so let me answer the most important question…

How Did You Get into Cosplay?

Spending my entire life surrounded and obsessed with comic books, cartoons, and action figures hasn’t always been a great experience. Throughout high school, I always felt ashamed of my interest in geek culture. The things that I liked as a 10-year-old boy were no longer cool. Cartoons were for “babies”, comics were for “nerds”, action figures were “dolls”, and wanting to dress up in costume on any day other than Halloween was “weird”.

l was always excitedly, and impatiently waiting for Halloween because it was the one time a year I could dress as one of my favorite characters without any feelings of shame. It wasn’t until I attended my first Comic Book Convention in Toronto and experienced “Cosplay” that I finally realized the only thing I had to be ashamed of was the fact that I spent so many years denying who I was and what I loved doing.